Johannes Weber (* February 25, 1995) is an illustrator and concept artist from Portland, OR. He earned a masters degree in Digital Games from the Cologne Game Lab of the TH Köln, specializing in game art and design.
After graduating from high school, Johannes earned a bachelors and masters degree in game studies and digital games art at the Cologne Game Lab. During his studies he worked as an illustrator and game artist in Cologne and periodically as an art instructor in Bergisch Gladbach.
Johannes has taken on local illustration commission work for private persons, museums, events and the city gouvernements as well as national advertising campaigns for products like Mio Mio Mate in 2018.
Until 2022 Johannes Weber worked on the art direction of an episodic online series with the working title "The Great Purrrsuit", directed by the award winning actress Stella Roberts.
Johannes is devoted to the reaserch and the craft of stylistic adaptation. Especially the stylistic approach of the Vienna Secession movement, the German interpretation of art nouveau (Jugendstil) and the visuals of Franco-Belgian comics find their stylistic influences in his work.